Mobility Scooter Training

Our Free Mobility Scooter Training

Parkgate Mobility is working in partnership with South Yorkshire Police and the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership to produce a road safety awareness course for mobility users in South Yorkshire.

Parkgate Mobility is committed to keeping people mobile and safe.

If you or a family member don’t feel confident or safe on your mobility scooter, then this cost-free scooter safety course may be the answer.

TrainingLack confidence or don’t feel safe?
Improve your confidence and learn how to avoid dangerous situations.

TrainingLearn about the law and mobility scooters
Learn about how the law affects mobility scooter users

TrainingImprove safety and awareness
Improve your awareness and improve public perception of scooter users

TrainingUseful safety tips
Lots of useful hints and tips all designed to keep you safe

TrainingSafety and control
Learn about the different characteristics and features of mobility scooters and find out which one would best suit your needs.

TrainingImprove your manoeuvrability
Practice your manoeuvrability skills under the guidance of fully trained and experienced staff in a safe, dedicated environment.

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Free Training

South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership and Parkgate Mobility are working in collaboration to deliver a series of free mobility scooter safety sessions for residents of South Yorkshire.

The aim of the course is to explain the lawful requirements, responsibilities, awareness and manoeuvrability skills to mobility scooter users in South Yorkshire.

The course is run for around two hours and is free – providing places are booked in advance.

Tracy Simmons of Parkgate Mobility said, “Working with South Yorkshire Police to develop these sessions has provided a great opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of mobility scooter safety.”

We run these free courses at outreach sessions including care homes and community groups, if your group is interested in taking part, please get in touch with us.

Please leave a message, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.